The deliverables of the project in the form of open source software are:
- A first version of Cython+ accepted by the Cython community and offering efficient execution on a multi-core architecture;
- An implementation of the PyObject model compatible with multi-core execution without global interpreter lock (GIL);
- A tool for static code analysis and deadlock removal in concurrent execution;
- A version of NEO in Cython with performance equivalent to the version of NEO in golang and mutually interoperable;
- A web application framework capable of running Cython coroutines on multiple cores.
The deliverables of the project in the form of a scientific result:
- A model for controlling resource allocation by heterogeneous concurrent programming frameworks.
The deliverables of the project in the form of demonstrators are :
- A server for publishing and sharing large datasets for data science and AI;
- A Jupyter notebook capable of natively compiling Cython+ and applying it to large datasets.