Nexedi is the leading European open source software company by number of software products and number of lines of source code developed in Europe. Nexedi offers a wide range of solutions adapted to the business world. "ERP5", Nexedi's ERP/CRM is used by SANEF, Mitsubishi, Airbus, etc. The Edge Computing system "SlapOS" is at the heart of Teralab's success in the field of Big Data. Wendelin manages the collection and processing of sensor data with out-of-core mechanisms that overcome the limits of RAM. OfficeJS offers offline HTML5 applications connected or not to ERP5 and covering areas such as office automation, expense management, etc. Nexedi's model is 100% open source. Nexedi sells integration, maintenance and support services. The margin on these services finances the long-term R&D of its portfolio. In addition to this service model, Nexedi sells license exceptions for its software.
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Abilian is an innovative open source software editor in the field of enterprise information management, emerging collaboration and more specifically enterprise social networks. Our business model is that of an open source editor: we develop an open source platform, in open collaboration with a community of contributors, and we ensure our customers - IT departments of large groups or administrations, small and medium-sized enterprises using the Cloud - the guarantee of the proper functioning of qualified and maintained versions of the software. We also develop business applications and cloud services (SaaS) based on our platform. Since its creation, Abilian has conducted sustained R&D in the following areas: business process modelling, user experience (UX) for collaboration and information manipulation, big data, application frameworks (web), etc
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IMT Transfert implements the TeraLab platform, the first Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform, which was created by the French Plan d'Investissement d'Avenir (PIA) in 2012.
It has been operational since the beginning of 2014 and has been awarded the Cap Digital label. TeraLab aims to accelerate the adoption of Big Data and AI technologies and algorithms by manufacturers, SMEs and startups by offering different levels of security, neutrality and support for partners, including many startups. The platform has been labelled "Silver i Space" in 2016, 2017 and 2018 at the highest level by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA). This European recognition rewards the platform's technical excellence, the variety of projects hosted and the access to a large ecosystem. TeraLab has also been identified as a DIH (Digital Innovation Hub) by the European Commission in the Big Data community and in the Industry 4.0 community in 2017. In 2019 it has been identified as one of the 30 DIHs in AI in Europe (with DigiHall and DigiWest in France)
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Based in Saclay (Essonne), INRIA Saclay Ile-de-France is a research centre in computer science and applied mathematics for digital sciences. Located mainly on the Ecole de Polytechnique campus, INRIA Saclay has world-renowned skills in the field of machine learning and scientific computing. In particular, INRIA Saclay hosts most of the developers of the scikit-learn free software project within the Parietal team.
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